ASU Book Award 2020-2021 Application for Federal TEACH Grant
Federal Direct Parent Loan (Plus)
Federal Direct Parent Loan (PLUS) Online Application
If you plan to attend summer school, financial aid may be available for you. To apply, follow these steps:
- Complete the ASU Summer Financial Aid Application
- Complete the 2020-2021 Free Application
for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at using school code 002396.
Please read the following information carefully. If any of the information is unclear, please ask for clarification. For grant-eligible students, grants are awarded based on the anticipated enrollment indicated on the Summer Application. These awards may be adjusted to match actual enrollment as of the last day to add classes / tuition deadline. If you enroll in fewer credits than indicated on the Summer Application, it may result in an unpaid balance owing on your tuition account.
- For Pell Grant recipients, if you have received your full Pell Grant award for both Fall and Spring Semesters (i.e. attended full time both terms), you may be eligible to utilize additional Pell Grant funds as long as you are enrolled at least half-time.
- For Federal Direct Loan recipients, if you have utilized the maximum amount of Federal Direct Loan eligibility, you will not have federal loan funds available to you for the Summer 2021.
- If you are requesting a Federal Direct Unsubsidized or Subsidized Loan and/or Federal Direct PLUS loan for the first time, please be sure to complete Entrance Counseling and sign a Master Promissory Note (MPN) at
- You must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credits as an undergraduate; 5 as a graduate) to be eligible to receive Federal Direct Loans.
2020-2021 Verification Dependent Standard (V1)
2020-2021 Verification Independent Standard (V1)
2020-2021 Verification Custom (V4)
2020-2021 Verification Dependent Aggregate (V5)
2020-2021 Verification Independent Aggregate (V5)
2021-2022 Verification Dependent Standard (V1)
2021-2022 Verification Independent Standard (V1)
2021-2022 Verification Custom (V4)
2021-2022 Verification Dependent Aggregate (V5)
2021-2022 Verification Independent Aggregate (V5)
2020-2021 Unusual Enrollment History Form
2021-2022 Unusual Enrollment History Form
Fall 2024 Federal Work-Study Application
Fall 2024 Federal Work-Study Application
Children of Faculty and Staff Tuition Waiver
2020-2021 Application for Federal Teach Grant
2020-2021 Drug Conviction Worksheet
2020-2021 Asset Form
2020-2021 Clarification Parent Marital Tax File Status Form
2020-2021 Nonfilers Statement
2021-2022 Application for Federal Teach Grant
2021-2022 Drug Conviction Worksheet
2021-2022 Asset Form
2021-2022 Clarification Parent Marital Tax File Status Form
2021-2022 Clarification of Student Marital Tax File Status Form
2021-2022 Nonfilers Statement
Total Disability Discharge Acknowledgement and Physician Certification Form